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Thread #113228   Message #2404103
Posted By: Little Hawk
02-Aug-08 - 11:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Astronaut Ed Mitchell on Alien visits
Subject: RE: BS: Astronaut Ed Mitchell on Alien visits
He has also stated some very cogent reasons why they would have covered up things like the crash at Roswell.

#1. They did NOT want the Soviets to know anything about it. They felt that if the Soviets were out of the loop, then so much the better...specially if the Americans had some recovered alien equipment to investigate which they could perhaps successfully back-engineer. This could provide the USA with an unbeatable advantage in the Cold War.

#2. They did not know for sure what the aliens' intentions were...or their technical and military capabilities...or whether our military could effectively defend this planet at all if the aliens had hostile intentions. (which it seems quite clear by now that they do not)

#3. No national military under those conditions of deep uncertainty about unknown alien technologies would freely release the information they had about such a situation. It would remain absolute Top Security until they knew for sure that they could handle the situation.

And it has remained so.

#4. Once you have publicly denied something there is a very strong impetus to continue denying it...for obvious psychological (and legal) reasons. This is as true of governments as it is of individuals.

Anyone who tells a string of public lies or evasions about something becomes ever more set on defending his past statements. We've seen enough evidence of that in our lives that I hardly feel I need to elaborate much on the point.   ;-) It is normal for officialdom to maintain a coverup once it has been decided upon at the top levels. It's very difficult for them to publicly reverse such a position.

It is clear from Ed Mitchell's interviews that this is something he has no doubt about (aliens visiting the Earth). He doesn't even get that excited about it, because he regards it as a foregone conclusion by now, and he bases that on the many highly reliable and experienced people he has known and spoken to in the military, the intelligence community, etc. He also regards it as a foregone conclusion that the aliens are not dangerous, and that full disclosure would create little or no panic, but simply a general public acceptance of that which is, frankly, not all that surprising in the light of what's gone down in the past 60 years.

That's how I see it too. Biiiiig surprise? By this time? Hardly. More like finally admitting that the elephant is indeed in the room, and has been for quite some time...and by golly, it's not a rogue elephant, and life as we know it is not about to end. ;-)

You will surely enjoy his videos if they don't trouble your favorite established view of things. You will probably feel that you must discount them, explain them away somehow or pay them little further attention if they do trouble your favorite established view of things.

Unless, that is, you are willing to change an established viewpoint! Some people are.