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Thread #113228   Message #2404232
Posted By: GUEST,Shimrod
03-Aug-08 - 08:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Astronaut Ed Mitchell on Alien visits
Subject: RE: BS: Astronaut Ed Mitchell on Alien visits
So, as a result of this "amazing" interview I now know that these 'alien visitors' are humanoid.

What I don't know are:

- Where in the Universe they came from.

- How they managed to cross interstellar voids.

- Why they decided to visit us.

- If they have communicated any information and what form(s) the communication process took.

- How far in advance of the human race they are.

- How likely it is that such visitors would display humanoid form.

- If there are any other humanoid and non-humanoid species out there.

- Why, having made such an enormous, and no doubt expensive, effort they have allowed themselves to be rendered invisible by an organisation as relatively puny (in their terms) as the US Government.

I still think that the field of 'UFOlogy', as opposed to (speculative) exobiology, has more to do with religion and paranoia than it does with a genuine interest in alien intelligence.

Oh yes, it's not a question of BELIEF (I'm not religious so I don't consider 'faith', or lack of it, to be relevant), it's a question of EVIDENCE - and anecdotal evidence, even that of an astronaut, is not sufficient to convince me.