The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113228   Message #2404277
Posted By: catspaw49
03-Aug-08 - 11:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: Astronaut Ed Mitchell on Alien visits
Subject: RE: BS: Astronaut Ed Mitchell on Alien visits
Going on a step further on Rap's post............

All of that is a possibility. The concept that the UFO folks need to grasp is that the likelihood of "humanoid" type life forms is extremely slim.

Life only begins once in any particular place and time, or at least that's the currently accepted theory. As it were, we happened to gel from a specific order of four amino acids as y'all know. But there are far more than four and its likely they exist elsewhere. Maybe somewhere else 2 or 6 or 12 lined up and started something totally unlike us. Or perhaps life started in a way we know nothing of here. I mean it hasn't been all that long ago we discovered how OUR life forms were created, all fairy tales aside.

And if life did begin and develop elsewhere through some other DNA type combination or an unknown means, then it follows that the life form created would be something different than us. Its quite possible the "alien" would share absolutely no traits with us. So maybe they've already come. Maybe they're here now. But consider this, just in case you want to feel even more insignificant............

The alien may be so different that we fail to recognize it as any form of life. Conversely, it may not recognize us either.

The why of their coming would also be beyond our are most WalksaboutVerse or Josef Mengele..............
