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Thread #113228   Message #2404285
Posted By: Little Hawk
03-Aug-08 - 12:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Astronaut Ed Mitchell on Alien visits
Subject: RE: BS: Astronaut Ed Mitchell on Alien visits
Hi. No, you didn't hear me on Coast to Coast. ;-) Must've been someone else you heard.

My guess is that there are a number of different groups of aliens capable of interstellar travel (using technologies much different from our own) and that they probably differ quite a bit from one another in physical appearance. It would simply likely that they would, after all. But it's simply my best guess about the matter. The aliens at Roswell, by all accounts, seem to have been basically humanoid in appearance, but smaller than we are, more or less hairless, with rather different eyes, facial features, and so on.

Shimrod - I didn't find the interview "amazing" (though the radio interviewer clearly did). I found that it merely confirmed a bunch of stuff I've considered extremely likely for about the last 4 decades. Not a big surprise to me, but I'm pleased that Mitchell spoke out about it.

In regards to your questions:

"What I don't know are:

- Where in the Universe they came from.

*** No. None of us are in a position to know that. How could we know it? Ed Mitchell said himself that it is not known where they are coming from. ***

- How they managed to cross interstellar voids.

*** Same problem. How could we possibly know how they do that? As an analogy, how could some primitive Pacific islanders in a jungle know how one of our modern airliners is able to fly over their islands at 30,000 feet altitude? We know something they don't, correct? The same may be true of other intelligent civilizations in regards to us. ****

- Why they decided to visit us.

*** Because we're here and they can! (grin) Look, if you can go somewhere, you do. We humans have gone just about everywhere conceivable on this planet by now, and we have even made a few short trips beyond it by now for one simple reason. We CAN. Our curiosity does the rest. The desire to explore and make contact is natural. ****

- If they have communicated any information and what form(s) the communication process took.

**** If there is a coverup, then the people engaging in that coverup are the ones who have that information. ****

- How far in advance of the human race they are.

**** If there is a coverup, the people engaging in that coverup are the ones who have (some of) that information. ****

- How likely it is that such visitors would display humanoid form.

**** Who knows? No one here is in any position to have an answer to that question. ****

- If there are any other humanoid and non-humanoid species out there.

**** Who knows? No one here is in any position to have an answer to that question either, but it is an interesting question, for sure. If there is a coverup, the people engaging in that coverup may have some useful information about it. ****

- Why, having made such an enormous, and no doubt expensive, effort they have allowed themselves to be rendered invisible by an organisation as relatively puny (in their terms) as the US Government.

**** They have not allowed themselves to be rendered invisible. Many thousands of people worldwide have had these alien sightings (usually of the vehicles, sometimes of the occupants). I have had at least 2 sightings of my own of what certainly appeared to be alien vehicles. I have met a great many people, including professional pilots, who have had sightings of their own. There have been mass sightings over cities, some of those well documented at the time in the press. A number of prominent politicians and some national leaders have had personal sightings of what they believed were alien craft, and have told the media. At least four national governments (France, Belgium, Brazil, and Mexico) have by now openly admitted to the presence of alien craft that have been sighted by their military.

These guys aren't invisible!!! However, they have clearly not decided to visit us en masse with thousands of vehicles all on the same day all over the entire frikkin' planet in what would amount to an interplanetary invasion.....and I guess that is something you would not be able to call "invisible", isn't it? And they haven't decided to visit you personally, shimrod.

So is a thing you haven't seen yet personally or that hasn't happened on one day EVERYWHERE to be termed "invisible"? Or is it just something you personally haven't seen yet?

The fact that they have not invaded us en masse is interesting. It could indicate any number of things, such as...

1. Maybe we're not all that important to them. We could be interesting...but just not that important. Maybe their visits here are just a minor stop on a long trip to many other places.

2. Maybe they are far better developed in a moral sense than we are...and don't believe in invading and taking over other civilizations!

3. Maybe they don't wish to shock and demoralize our entire society, but would like instead to have open contact when and if our governments are willing to initiate open contact.

4. Maybe they think we're just too dangerous and immature to deal with at the present time.

Now, what you term their "invisibility" is not their invisibility at all. It is an official government policy at the highest levels to pretend they are not there and to get the mass media to cooperate in that pretense. The primary methods of that policy have been:

1. outright denial
2. ridicule of eyewitnesses
3. repitition of phrases like "little green men" in order to trivialize the whole issue and make a joke out of it
4. the deliberate planting of disinformation through promoting various really oddball theories and poorly done hoaxes in order to discredit the entire subject.

These things have been done, I think, because our military and intelligence people at the highest level are genuinely afraid of being confronted with something totally beyond their own capability, and they therefore wish to keep it secret as long as possible. It's natural that they would want to keep it secret. They can't control it. It doesn't mean they're means that they are typical human beings in a hierarchical structure and they are zealously guarding what they think of as their own security.


I still think that the field of 'UFOlogy', as opposed to (speculative) exobiology, has more to do with religion and paranoia than it does with a genuine interest in alien intelligence.

**** You probably think that mainly because you have not had a sighting. *****

Oh yes, it's not a question of BELIEF (I'm not religious so I don't consider 'faith', or lack of it, to be relevant), it's a question of EVIDENCE - and anecdotal evidence, even that of an astronaut, is not sufficient to convince me.

**** Yes. Evidence. The problem is, you see, that if there is a coverup by the military and the intelligence community....then THEY are the people who have that evidence. Obviously. Who the hell else would be allowed to have it for long? Who came to Roswell, scooped everything up and took it away to some secret location? The military intelligence people. Who gets to see it? Nobody BUT the military intelligence people. That's a closed loop, shimrod.

So how are you, I, or the national media ever going to get to see any of that evidence if it is not released by the military intelligence community? They are the best friend that a skeptic could possibly have. ;-)