The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112808   Message #2404375
Posted By: Kent Davis
03-Aug-08 - 02:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: War is over. The surge has succeeded!
Subject: RE: BS: War is over. The surge has succeeded!
Thanks, guys! I get it now! How silly of me not to have seen it before! It's so obvious once y'all pointed it out. From what I've read in this and related threads, it's like this:

Saddam Hussein gases his own people - Bush the elder's fault
Saddam Hussein invades Kuwait       - Bush the elder's fault
The Gulf War                            - Bush the elder's fault
Israel attacked                         - Bush the elder's fault
Kuwait is liberated                     - no thanks to Bush
casualties lighter than expected    - no thanks to Bush
nevertheless many killed            - Bush is a murderer
Iraqi infrastructure mostly saved   - no thanks to Bush
but some destroyed                  - Bush is a Nazi
inspections mandated                - no thanks to Bush
Baathist regime resists inspections - Bush the elder's fault
First World Trade Center bombing    - not Clinton's fault
deadlines pass                      - Bushes bad; Clinton good
9/11 attacks                        - Bush asleep at the wheel
Taliban driven from power          - no thanks to Bush
but not entirely destroyed          - Bush is a failure
casualities lower than predicted    - no thanks to GWB
Afghan Constitution enacted         - no thanks to you-know-who
Afghan elections fairly smooth      - ditto
but not perfect                     - Bush is a monster
Iraqi sanctions still in place      - Bush is killing Iraqi children
Hussein still resisting inspections - Bush's fault
Bush says sanctions didn't work    - Bush loves war and hates people
U.K. intelligence supports U.S.    - Bush lied
War begins                         - people died - GWB's fault
initial casualities light          - no thanks to Bush
but not zero                        - Bush murdered American soldiers
Baathists soundly defeated          - no thanks to Bush
a democratic constitution for Iraq - no thanks to Bush
Iraqi elections                     - no credit to GWB
factional violence                  - entirely Bush's fault
many coalition soldiers killed      - blood on Bush's hands
Hearts & Minds campaign to Sunnis   - no thanks to Bush
Iraqi Security Forces trained       - not due to Bush
Kurdistan mostly secure             - not because of Bush
violence halved                     - no thanks to GWB
violence halved again               - not due to anything Bush did
many Iraqi provinces fairly stable - dumb luck; not credit to GWB
Iraq still not Switzerland          - Bush is Satan
whatever bad thing happens next    - Bush's fault
whatever good thing happens next    - no thanks to the Evil One

Did I miss anything?
