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Thread #113228   Message #2405013
Posted By: Little Hawk
04-Aug-08 - 01:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Astronaut Ed Mitchell on Alien visits
Subject: RE: BS: Astronaut Ed Mitchell on Alien visits
It's my understanding, Freda, that France, Belgium, Brazil, and Mexico have officially acknowledged incidents involving what they assume to to alien craft, but I don't have a whole lot of information on that, just a snippet or two from a couple of those interviews with Edgar Mitchell. I know that there were some remarkable sightings in Mexico in the last couple of decades and that the Mexican Air Force was involved and got a good look at what they assumed had to be alien vehicles (in flight). Not being a UFOlogist, I can't offer any more details about it at the moment. ;-) This is not a fulltime pursuit of mine, just one of a great variety of interests, that's all.

I guess try a Google search for "UFO" + "Mexico"...etc...and you might find some interesting stuff.


Spaw's suggestion that another form of life might differ from us so much that both we and they didn't even recognize each other AS life was an interesting one. It's occurred to me too. For instance, what if you had a form of life for whom time was very different? Suppose they had a lifetime of 50,000 years, but to us they appeared like a rock? We would never see them move. They would never see us move, because we move too fast for them to see. ;-D In a case like that you would sure never have any mutual awareness, would you? And what if there were beings living at a different frequency, such that they were like phantasms to us, and we were like phantasms to them? Again, no real possibility of any direct contact. Now let's make it really gross...let's say that these phantasmal beings looked a lot like the things in the comic Cheech Wizard, and there was one particularly egotistical one that walked around all the time with a huge hat concealing his features, f*cked the females of his world constantly and indiscriminately like a deranged Billy Goat, and bullied and dominated all the other males of his race! If this were the case, then I submit that being unable to make contact with those beings would be a very good thing.

Yo, ho, ho, and a bubble of gum. ;-D


Von Daniken's movie is still fun to watch. He was one of those people who is so in love with his theory that he wants to make everything in the world fit into it! As such, he tends to take it considerably too far, but he still might have been onto something. I think there's a very good chance that if aliens are visiting us now (and I think they are) that they have also visited us many times in the remote past. The human race may have had a great deal more interaction with aliens over the past 50,000 years than our historians suspect...or they may not have...I can't say. But it's certainly an interesting field of inquiry.

The human race may even have some genetic origins from entirely outside this planet, and homo sapiens may be an intergalactic speicies, not something which originated here. Now, wouldn't that put a different light on things? It wouldn't have to all go back to a dusty old set of bones in the Olduvai Gorge any longer. It would be a much bigger picture than that.

These are all possibilities. To simply laugh and reject them out of hand without further inquiry is to demonstrate that deep down you have a solidly religious belief of some kind, a faith which you don't want questioned by anybody....and you have picked up that faith from the secular authorities whose word you decided to worship as if it was the final word on the subject. (Priests don't just come in robes...they come in white lab coats too.)