The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2405452
Posted By: GUEST,Sawzaw
04-Aug-08 - 11:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Right now it seems Amos is trying to outdo Obama in the arrogance department

The Obama speech:

First 2 1/2 minutes were spent acting like a celebrity about his birthday, a cake and kissing the union's and other politicians ass.
Then he downplays the the oil we have in America. Claims we only have 3% of the worlds oil so why drill? Kisses the global warming theorists ass. Admits that the problem has been talked about for decades. Singles out McCain's actions during the decades. Falsely claims it would take 7 years to get oil from offshore drilling so why drill?. Falsely claims T Boone is against drilling.

He is going to hand out money to the union strangled auto industry. Blah blah. He proposes turning wood into fuel. No mention that trees reduce Co2 and even biofuels produce Co2. Naturally since he was in Michigan, handouts for auto companies were promised. Looks like a government bail out and campaign rhetoric instead of a plan.

What is needed is fewer government restrictions instead of deficit spending on bailouts.

T Boone said he was for drilling, solar, wind, nuclear, natural gas, every thing. Drilling in the US is merely a tide me over until the other sources are online. The mere announcement of more drilling offshore and in ANWAR will reduce the price of oil on the futures market.

Sorry Amos, All I see is finger pointing, rhetoric and government interference.

His windfall tax has been done before and what did it solve?

According to the Congressional Research Service (CRS), is that the 1980s windfall profits tax depressed the domestic production and extraction industry and furthered our dependence on foreign sources of oil.

Tap the National oil reserve for a week's supply? Ridiculous.

If you let the video play it says Obama is 45% and McCain is 44% in the polls even after his momentous trip to Europe and this speech.

The Democrats are going to loose this election on the energy crisis alone.

And please notice Amos that I did listen and think about what Obama said instead of firing off a bunch of arrogant, uninformed, biased rhetoric like you.