The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113216   Message #2405855
Posted By: Anne Lister
05-Aug-08 - 01:46 PM
Thread Name: Have I hit the big time?
Subject: RE: Have I hit the big time?
I think (but with their quality of English can't be sure) they're offering to pay me a deposit or an advance on the fee. However, that's almost certainly where they'll want my bank account details, so I'll never know!
I'm moderately impressed (and moderately alarmed at the same time) that they've clearly taken on board some of the content of my website. My husband points out that therefore they can already get at my street address and maybe I shouldn't wind them up any further with my replies. I have, however, reiterated in my reply to their latest that I would like their registered company address and without it I'm unlikely to be available, even for such a prestigious event (wherever it is).
