The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113228   Message #2405869
Posted By: Little Hawk
05-Aug-08 - 02:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Astronaut Ed Mitchell on Alien visits
Subject: RE: BS: Astronaut Ed Mitchell on Alien visits
stigweard - "The fact most of these cover-up stories are about humanoid aliens with two eyes, a nose, mouth and the same limbs as us, the same basic skeletal configuration suggests to me who started these theories had a singular lack of imagination."

Really, stigweard? Well, your reaction suggests to me what Carol said:

"To suggest that the variety of life forms that are possible is some kind of evidence that we can't have been visited by life forms that are similar to us is more an act of faith than logical reasoning."

Exactly. You are proceeding on faith, stigweard. Faith which is based on nothing more than your own past habits and assumptions, those assumptions based on your own limited knowledge and experience...which doesn't include any encounters with aliens thus far.

On the other hand, an actual eyewitness to an incident such as the aftermath of the crash at Roswell is NOT proceeding on faith when he says that he saw alien bodies of a generally humanoid type. He's proceeding on direct observation, and his previous assumptions about what kind of alien life would be most likely to be out there have absolutely nothing to bear on what he sees with that direct observation, do they? That compels him to amend his previous assumptions...which were based on faith. Now, the fact that you find your own faith more compelling than many direct observations by highly qualified eyewitnesses is interesting...and it's typical of most human beings.

They'd rather just go on believing whatever they already believe. ;-) Only a direct encounter with something radically different will suffice to change their minds.

This is why I say, and I always have said, that virtually all people are in fact religious...whether or not they belong to any religion at all...and whether or not they believe in any "God". They are religious because they base a whole lot of their unproven assumptions on something almost unshakable....their own ironclad faith that they are "right" and that they are more "logical" and "rational" than those who think differently.

You know what most people really worship?   Their worship their own ego, that's what. It is the God they render daily worship to, and it has to keep on being "right", no matter what. That's faith.