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Thread #113228   Message #2405979
Posted By: GUEST,Jack the Sailor
05-Aug-08 - 04:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Astronaut Ed Mitchell on Alien visits
Subject: RE: BS: Astronaut Ed Mitchell on Alien visits
>>With one breath everyone's saying there can't be any such thing as life we can't recognise and in the next post they're discussing why Greys have no bollocks, and then I'm getting lectured for trying to engage in a bit of meaningful discussion about the possibilities for extraterrestrial life but no-ones interested.

I'm pretty sure that everyone you are talking to is familiar with theories of evolution. I don't know if they prove one way or another what would happen on another planet. I think that in evolution, to some degree at least, form follows function. Certainly this ...

>>They would have had to evolve as tool user, so two eyes for stereoscopic vision, something like arms and hands for tool using, something like legs for getting around and lifting heavy things, a mouth and ears for language, a nose to tell if their food has gone bad Etc. some of those things might be more or less evolved than their analogs in homo sapiens.<<

is partly in response to what you are saying. If man were to evolve in space, or more likely to genetically optimize himself for space he would wouldn't need a large butt. Traveling as far as they do, why would our theoretical aliens pack a large trunk that clearly is not needed in low gravity ;-)

By the way, most of my posts are kinda tongue in cheek. I am just speculating for fun.