The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22278   Message #240630
Posted By: Rick Fielding
09-Jun-00 - 09:42 PM
Thread Name: Can white folks sing the blues?
Subject: RE: Can white folks sing the blues?
I used to enjoy Snaker's singing and playing, but that old saw about "you couldn't tell he was white" was just silly. If you listened to a lot of blues (not just the stars) it wasn't that hard to tell that Dave was white (harder to tell if he was blonde though)

Much of the mystique about the Minneapolis boys (Glover Koerner and Ray) came from the enthusiastic pen of Paul Nelson. He LOVED those guys.

The same thing happened to Dave's carreer as a celebrity as happened to all the other fine young white blues guys....the folk public's tastes changed. Real blues fans (not folkies) didn't buy their records to begin with, but stuck with the black singers.

They were good though. So was Ian Buchannan. Never liked John Hammond jr. though.
