The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113228   Message #2406307
Posted By: Paul Burke
06-Aug-08 - 03:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Astronaut Ed Mitchell on Alien visits
Subject: RE: BS: Astronaut Ed Mitchell on Alien visits
They would have had to evolve as tool user, so two eyes for stereoscopic vision, something like arms and hands for tool using, something like legs for getting around and lifting heavy things, a mouth and ears for language, a nose to tell if their food has gone bad Etc. some of those things might be more or less evolved than their analogs in homo sapiens.

Not enough imagination used here. How could intelligent life get by with less than eight eyes, in four sets covering different wavelengths? How can you test the chemical properties of what you come into contact with without chemoceptors on the ends of your tentacles? How can you do any task without at least four arms (this one is utterly real)? How can you communicate without magnetic field sensors and a modulating field generator? How did you ever evolve without a means of telling what's going on behind you? How can life exist surrounded by all that corrosive gaseous oxygen and hot molten dihydrogen oxide?

Even here on Earth we have animals with many eyes and none, that can sense ultra- violet and infra- red, with electrical generators and receptors, with magnetic senses, with better eyes than us (octopuses and squid), with alternative manipulative appendages (octopuses and squid again, and elephants), that can't live without poisonous hydrogen sulphide in almost- boiling water, that have visible light generators, that rupture if brought to ordinary pressure....

We recognise humans as intelligent (though until recently not all humans), but you can't extrapolate from a sample of one.