The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92714   Message #2406589
Posted By: GUEST,Sawzaw
06-Aug-08 - 11:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: A Declaration of Impeachment
Subject: RE: BS: A Declaration of Impeachment

How come your rock solid self righteous judgment and superior intelligence is so selective?

"Clinton did not set up 4,000 US sons and daughters for death."

He did when he failed to carry out his duties as president.

World trade center bombing
Embassy in Kenya bombing
Embassy in Tanzania bombing
Uss Kole

UBL was offered to Bill Clinton by Sudan and Clinton declined to take him into custody. All of this could have been prevented if not for that single act of bad judgment.

He weakened our military fighting forces.

You are just throwing up a smoke screen to hide offenses by past presidents that were far worse in order to make your unfounded accusations stick. Mr. self righteous "rule of law" that advocates "summary justice"

And those military people voluntarily joined to serve and die for their country so that idiots in the US can make stupid accusations.

How many of the 58,193 military dead in Vietnam were drafted?

Mr Clinton is still walking around a free man and actually campaigning but you ignore what he has done because it does not fit your extremist political agenda.