The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113100   Message #2407331
Posted By: Les in Chorlton
07-Aug-08 - 04:02 AM
Thread Name: It's August so it's the Beech
Subject: RE: It's August so it's the Beech
Well it surprised me more than a bit!

I realised at 4pm that Man U would be on TV. I rang the Beech and asked if they had it on and they said yes! But it's ok they said it will be a quiet night.

I stumbled to the Beech expecting it to be overflowing with Man U supporters only to find it empty.

Well a great night I'd say. With thanks to Dave, Phil, Alan, Kate, Bob, Sue, Matthew, Rachel and Sean. Also Gordon and Jed as first timers, Ingrid for two excellent stories and Kate for the candles.

The dog was ................ well the dog, what can you say? It didn't bite anyone and only pissed on the carpet once and as the owner offered to share his fragrant smoke with us all it was all a special night.

Thanks again
