The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113321   Message #2407764
Posted By: Willie-O
07-Aug-08 - 02:20 PM
Thread Name: Review: 'Windward Away' (Archie Fisher)
Subject: RE: Review: Archie Fisher 'Windward Away'
"Archie tours in Canada for the most part, since our dear land is hard on visiting musicians"...which dear land is that then, dear?

I'm so happy to hear this. A few years back I had the great thrill of opening for Archie when he played Perth, ON. (and frankly, if he tours only in Canada, he needs to get out more, we haven't seen him since). The peak of my career. At that time, he had zero recorded product available for sale at his gigs. A friend of mine actually brought a bunch of Archie's old LP's for display in the foyer so it wouldn't seem so empty...oh my god, I have to go buy this right now!
Keep at it Archie. Thanks Maeve.

brimming over...