The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113322   Message #2408536
Posted By: GUEST,Volgadons
08-Aug-08 - 01:04 PM
Thread Name: Mobile users in sessions
Subject: RE: Mobile users in sessions
"I hate the bloody things and mobile phones as well, as for people that need them on because of their job, well they can either turn them off or put them on silent (vibrate) mode, or better still don't bloody come to the session/concert. But then you can't tell these dickheads what to do anyway, because they are dickheads."

There are people, policemen being an obvious example, who have to have their phones. Why should they have to miss a session just because of that? How about consideration from others, after all, a moment of irritation is just that, a small moment. There are more important things.