The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22296   Message #240862
Posted By: Big Mick
10-Jun-00 - 03:28 PM
Thread Name: Is Napster a good thing?
Subject: RE: Is Napster a good thing?
As a musician that is in the process of producing our first CD, I guess it would come down for me to a simple question. Would the use of this technology and this site enhance the sales of the product that the band is investing time and dollars into? If a positive anwer to that question can be demonstrated to me, then I would consider allowing our work there. If not, I would be absolutely opposed to our efforts being used in a way which did not help our investment to be successful. Before anyone whacks me on some "folk tradition" argument, let's ask Sandy & Caroline about the effect of $ on their ability to produce the music. I don't believe that anyone is driven by what is right for this tradition more; nor is their anyone out there who has done more to preserve it and pass it on. I would love to hear their take on this issue.

Big Mick