The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106066   Message #2409656
Posted By: Charlie Baum
09-Aug-08 - 11:14 PM
Thread Name: Getaway 2008
Subject: RE: Getaway 2008

The newsletter only rate does not give you discounts on events, so it's not going to help you there. The newsletter DOES have a hardcopy form you can print out and mail in with a check, and if you give me your snail-mail address (by private message or emailing me at president (at), I can snail-mail you a registration form.

No special geezer discount?--EVERYBODY gets the geezer discount.

Bill D is right--the membership gives you a newsletter and discounts on FSGW event, but unless you plan to stick around and go to concerts or dance while you're East, it won't give you a lot of monetary benefit, except a monthly newsletter to see what a folk society in the East can program. We have something like 250 events a year, and then we list everything else going on in our area, which will only make you jealous and want to move here, and put up with heat and high humidity just to take advantage of all the folkie things.

After the Getaway, you'd have to stick around until that Monday night to take advantage of a concert discount. And we have two concerts and a dance the weekend previous.

-Charlie Baum