The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113306   Message #2410230
Posted By: GUEST,Gerry
10-Aug-08 - 11:49 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Street names
Subject: RE: Folklore: Street names
Escapee, Toledo may have the highest numbered street in the country, but if it does, it has to be considerably higher than 235. The nearest subway stop to my parents' place in the Bronx was 238th Street, and there are other stops in the system up to 261st. The numbers might even continue into Yonkers, I'm not sure.

Some more Sydney suburbs: Raby has streets named Kittyhawk, Liberator, Beechcraft, Sopwith, Spitfire, Lockheed, DeHaviland, etc. Also Cinnabar, Saltpetre, Pyrite, Gypsum, Lodestone, Granite, Feldspar, Graphite, Fluorite, Bauxite, Lignite, Zeolite, Tourmaline, Chalcedony, Malachite, Silica, etc., etc. A small development in Hinchinbrook has Antares, Capella, Centaurus, Carina, Pegasus, Altair, Vega, and more. Similarly, Erskine Park has Aquarius, Spica, Taurus, Regulus, Leo, Canopus, Pisces, Hydra, Capella, Cepheus, Aries and more.

There are a couple of Sydney suburbs where the streets are named after composers.