The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113415   Message #2410484
Posted By: Donuel
11-Aug-08 - 09:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: You and your ESP
Subject: BS: You and your ESP
I give ESP a wider spectrum of senses than some people might.
I include that feeling you get when you feel someone is looking at you...and as soon as you immediately look up in the direction you suspect, there is the person who was staring at you.

I include dreams that seem to be the special fortelling dreams even if you are not sure what or when the fortelling will be revealed.
Like a dream I had about the future defending itself and talking to the past....One week later I was showing home video of our our 1 year old son playing a electonic piano on the floor. Now 8 years old he said to the video "Hey dude, this is your future, I'm talking to you in the past...thats not the right chord..." The whole family laughed and felt like that was the highlight of the home videos.

I include unlikely and unusual actions you might undertake that turn out to be highly significant tommorrow. Yesterday I took about 10 photos with one hand as I drove over the Bay Bridge. Hours later that span I photographed was breeched by a semi truck that plunged off the bridge.

In short, what some would call weak examples of ESP is really a most powerful everyday sense. The smaller the better. THe small examples will help your life more often than trying to force some big predictive event or a mental 'post it' note of tragedy.

Its so normal in this holographic universe that we really shouldn't call certain quantum effects "spooky action at a distance"
IT is simply normal action for the information fabric of our universe to behave.