The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113415   Message #2410720
Posted By: Bee
11-Aug-08 - 01:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: You and your ESP
Subject: RE: BS: You and your ESP
Well, CarolC, I don't think that applies to everyone at all. I am a very skeptical person, but I would be thrilled if various supernatural or miraculous phenomena were in fact 'real'. The ideas of things like telepathy, precognition, pixies in the garden, astral travel, collective unconscious, animal spirits, and so on are very attractive to me, so much so that I treasure my family's vast collection of personal stories of the supernatural, eagerly read books on the subject, adore ghost story collections and songs with spooky lyrics.

I'm even willing to contemplate that the skeptic's explanation or theory regarding inexplicable experiences (and, like most people, I have had a few) might be wrong. I suppose the fact is, once something has a reasonable natural explanation, it is no longer supernatural. My tendency is to think that experiences I've had which seemed supernatural will eventually prove to be neurological or physical (though currently not understood) in origin.

In my life, I have had experiences which a supernaturally inclined person might consider telepathy, precognition, ghostly visitations (human and animal), and even a thoroughly weird and shocking non-touch physical manipulation performed on my person, without my consent and very unexpectedly, by a very strange person indeed. Most of those personal experiences are explained, to my satisfaction, by natural and known factors. A few are not - yet.

I suppose I think if something happens at all, it is natural.