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Thread #113415   Message #2410947
Posted By: Donuel
11-Aug-08 - 04:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: You and your ESP
Subject: RE: BS: You and your ESP
I enjoy being a skeptic.
It provides a solid starting point for viewing an ever changing universe. Then after enough changes, I select a new vantage point to take in the view. etc

After esp testing, which provided no known pattern recognition, I finished as high as second place and as low as 36th out of 100 people. While I don't hold that the test indicates anything meaningful, I have found that when I make carefree whimsical comments to people face to face I am most likely to strike a nerve or create a "woo woo' feeling of coincidental (secret) knowledge that some people have found unnerving.

Amos don't worry about breaking the rules of FTL or energy conservation theories. In a holographic multi dimensional universe the spooky action at a distance of lightyears in our 3 dimensions is but an "angstrom's hair" away in a dimension that unites all points in space\...or holographicly speaking the two particles share the same source point of information no matter where they are.

But I have been far more radical in imagination than that...

I have noted that the largest and most mysterious area of the brain is the limbic area in which seemingly nothing is connected by neurons and only empty (fluid filled) space exists. I don't see those lobes of fluid as being merely a shock absorber as some have theorized. I have imagined it as the organic bubble chamber of the natural particle accelertor of the cosmos. A place where partical waves are intercepted. Then interpreted by a very large internal surface area of the central mind.

(twilight zone music ensues)