The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113415   Message #2410963
Posted By: CarolC
11-Aug-08 - 05:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: You and your ESP
Subject: RE: BS: You and your ESP
Inner senses (non physical senses) are inner seeing, hearing and feeling. They're non physical because they don't use the eyes, ears, or nerve endings in skin in order to allow one to perceive something. Just because some people haven't developed their latent inner senses doesn't mean that those who have are experiencing "wishful thinking". Blind people can't perceive what sighted people can, and they might think that what sighted people can perceive was wishful thinking if they were in the majority.

The kind of gardening I practice involves active communication with nature. I ask nature questions, and nature gives me answers. Because the consciousnesses that express themselves in plant form don't have mouths and vocal chords with which to communicate, they have to communicate in a way that is more natural to them, which is with energy.

Several years ago, a friend asked me to find out from her garden how all of the different plants were doing. Everything looked great, but after asking the questions and allowing the answers become apparent to me, I told her that the squash was in trouble. I told her that the roots of the squash were in water, and it was causing problems, even though it didn't look like there were any problems, and even though there were other plant that were in good shape that were in the same part of the garden.

Sure enough, all the blossoms fell off the squash plants and didn't produce any squashes. She moved the squash plants to higher ground and they did just fine.

A few years later, I was asking about what kind of mineral would be helpful to put in an area in which I was working with the energy (trying to make it nicer). I was shown a kind of mineral that I had never seen before. I asked what it was called, and I was told apatite. I had seen apatite before, but I had never seen any that looked like what I was shown. (This is what I had been familiar with, and this is more like what I was shown.) I was inclined to disbelieve what I had thought I had been shown, thinking maybe I had imagined it. But I contacted the company from whom I used to buy minerals, and I described what I had been shown. I asked them if there was any kind of apatite that looked like that, and they told me that there was - Brazilian blue apatite.

I don't have any more emotional investment in getting information this way than I do getting it using Google. It's just a tool like any other, and that's all that matters to me. People who want to project their own emotional state on me and tell me that I am engaging in wishful thinking are themselves engaging in wishful thinking.