The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113424   Message #2411069
Posted By: Bobert
11-Aug-08 - 07:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
Well, I reckin that cokin' down here is sposed to be scarey... Kendall threatened to come down here 'cause I said his Chevy was slow and now other's is followin' suit... Maybe we should quit going to the Getaway and start a "Comin'Down-away"???

Yeah, Iz drenking that nasty water stuff (8 glasses a day)... I figured that seein' as I wasn't officially daignosed 'til 'round noon that I'd prorate the H2O to 6 glasses fir today and do 8 tomorrow... Actually, I like water... Beer gotta a lotta water in it, don't it??? So does anyone know how much beer I'd have to drenk to get my 8 glasses??? I might send the P-Vine out for another 6 pack...

Hey, just followin Rap's advice... You know, knockin' off a cold six of Iron City... Hey, doctor's orders...
