The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113424   Message #2411105
Posted By: Bobert
11-Aug-08 - 08:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
How'd you know it was rainin', Amos??? You ain't got one of them cameras stuck in one of me trees, do ya???

Yeah, yeah, yeah... I gonna be real smart... I'm gonna drenk my eqivelence of 8 glasses of water.... I'm gonna take my pills... I ain't gonna go buildin' nutin'... I ain't even gonna have sex...

(What was that Boberdz???)

Nevermind that last one... I'm gonna get lotta rest and an' not play on the Pac Man 'chine too much other than jus' now and then, you know, like now... I'z ain't gonna do no performin'... I ain't gonna spend more than 10 minutes a day on my tractor an' if I'm gonna kick up dust I'z gonna put on a mask...

I ain't gonna drive in the fast lane 'less I'm passin' but I'll try not to pass nobody...

What else??? I ain't gonna rant about Bush and Cheney 'er Condi...

(Why's that, Boberdz???)

I donno??? Lemme go reread that list the doc gave me... Seems there was nuthin' in there 'bout none of them folks... Okay, until I find my destructions that they gave me I won't rant against 'um...

I'll help old ladies 'cross the street... I won't smoke no reefer... I won't sing no blues... I won't have no bad thoughts about stuff I can't control... I love my neighbor but not his ass... (he ain't gott much of an ass anyway) and last but not least...

...I'll spend my recovery time catchin' up on all the "Three Sttoges" reruns that I had forgot all about...

Life is good...

Oh yeah, I won't be a tough guy but then again I really passed my "tough-guy prime" a few years ago so that shouldn't be too hard...

But thanks for them Doctor's orders, Amos...
