The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113306   Message #2411283
Posted By: GUEST,glueman
12-Aug-08 - 04:43 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Street names
Subject: RE: Folklore: Street names
Bunker's Hill from the American Revolutionary wars is a fairly common name for C18th building in the UK. The battle was an empty victory for the British as so many lives were lost. Folklore has it that flushed with success builders named their current project after the battle before the true price of it became known. I lived in a Bunker's Hill row in the 80's for a time without a single foot of elevated ground worth the name.

The Zulu wars also provided inspiration for street names with staid, middle class rows of English semis entitled after exotic African locales. There's a Kaffir Road not far away, a word every bit as derogatory as the N word today.

My favourite local road names are 'Solid' (not Solid Road, Lane or Ave., just Solid) and 'Hill' (likewise).