The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113424   Message #2411418
Posted By: Bobert
12-Aug-08 - 08:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
Subject: RE: BS: Danged,,, Got Folkin' Pee-moanya...
Well, okay... The sumabich din't get me last night so, Yaahoo, Cowabunga, etc...

The advice on killin' off the ggod bacteria in my tummy and innards was one that I hadn't thought of... I hate yogart... It tastes like someone ground up chalk or spaking compound and mixed it in there but I'll do the "acidopolis" and have the P-Vine check out the "pro-biotics", whatever that is...

Okay, no tractor...

Okay, less beer... Maybe 2 'er 3 but no more... Didn't say nuthin' in the destructions about beer... Not even in the info sheet on the pills which is write in small type so you need a magnifyin' glass to read it and talks about everything but who kidnapped the Limburgh baby...

Yeah... Water, more water... rest 'n more rest...

I did go down to the garden and picked zucinni, yeller squash and cut some okra this mornin'... Think I'll make that my daily fun... The destructions do say to get up and move around a little 'er it can get worse so ain't like it's gonna be just sleep and "Three Stooges"


Don'tcha worry none... I can be a very good sick boy... I learnt it when I was 6 years old and had to be in the hospital for 6 months with polio ans then another years of rehab... See, I have experience to fall back on... I ain't gonna do too much stupid other than watchin' TV... That is about the stupidest thing I'm doin'... I know I'm sick and I know that when you ain't 16 anymore that when yer sick you just gotta be sick and do what yer told...

The P-Vine just told me to get off this PacMan 'chine so, for now, that's what I'm gonna do...

Okay, I'll try some yogart... Yuck!!! I like cottage cheeze... Will it do the same as yogart??? I mean, it comes in a similar containerm don't it???

Gotta go... Larry, Curly and Mo just bought this old hotel... Maybe I can learn somethin'???
