The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2411701
Posted By: GUEST,Sawzaw
12-Aug-08 - 01:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
The announcement of drilling in ANWAR and more offshore drilling would bring down the price of crude in the oil trading market.



Any body got the guts to answer?

If the price of gas at the pump drops 40 cents or more between now and September 11 will you give credit to the Democratic Congress for not drilling?



This is yes or no question which is calculated to give credit to a bunch of assholes for not doing anything.

My answer is no because it has already started dropping beginning with Bush's action. If the democratic congress does nothing it will probably continue to drop.
If the democratic congress shows renewed opposition to offshore drilling and/or drilling in ANWAR, it will probably reverse or elimante the trend.

Some how you want to give credit to Congress for GWB's actions.

Maybe you want to say "thank you congress for not counteracting what GWB did".

Now maybe you have the courage stop sidestepping my much simpler and straightforward question.

It is designed to explain why the price of gas will start dropping upon the decision to drill even if the new oil will not come online years from now.