The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113491   Message #2413900
Posted By: Jayto
14-Aug-08 - 03:18 PM
Thread Name: RE: have the American audiences gone?
Subject: RE: RE: have the AMERICAN audiences gone?
I agree Ron I just hope that nobody ever let's age keep them from embracing a scene. Music is for everybody by everybody and the corporate mentality today in alot of music in exclusionary and hinders the progression of the art form. I have always viewed Folk music as rebellion. It was people voicing thier feelings when they would not be heard any other way. So youth are going to bring something to the table with it. Times are different than they were 100 yrs ago so subject matter and presentation will also be different. I think the older generations can show them how to express themselves musically even thought the message may be totally different. I learned from alot of old men (the guitar) but took it and made my own voice. The emotions remain the same only the presentation changes. That is my point I want to see all generations get involved with it. Folk doesn't need to be exclusionary like modern country and rock. It is not corporate music for the masses it is people music for people.