The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4405   Message #24140
Posted By: Bruce O.
19-Mar-98 - 02:27 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Chicago/I Used to Work in Chicago (bawdy)
Subject: ADD: Haben a Boo and a Banner
I forgot a Scots 'Jack of all trades' ditty

From Arthur Argo's recording, Prestige/ International 13048 Side B, #2. Perhaps some once can fill in or correct the [?] in my transcription.

[Haben a Boo and a Banner]

Oh my father was hanged for sheep stealin' [father- long a]
My mither was brunt [sic] as a witch
Sure my sister's a bawdy-hoose keeper
An mysel,I'm a son o' a bitch
Wi' a haben a boo and a banna
An a haben a boo an a bay
Wi' ma haben a boo an a banna
Mink a toodle lie oodle lie a [Mink or Link?]

Oh my grannie she farted a fyken
Will I ha' a feast or a fash
Oh my sister's come doon the stairs drapen[?]
Nay a deil of a coat to her ass
Wi' a &c.

When I was a cobbler in London
And lived in the Royal Exchange
Oh I charg'd[?] my ladies commission
There I rested my rosey behind [behind-short i]
Wi' a &c.

When I was a drapper in London
All the ladies came into my shop
O she asked me for three yards of linen
And I gave her three yards of my
Wi' a &c

When I was a young man in London
And lived at the back of the bucks
Oh I['m fine?] [?] every morning
To learn young ladies to
Wi' a &c.

When I was a hedger and ditcher
And up to my knees in snaw
Oh the deil took haud of my ballocks
And swore he waud rug them awa'
Wi' a &c.

Added to DT April 98