The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113211   Message #2414199
Posted By: Little Hawk
14-Aug-08 - 09:44 PM
Thread Name: The Weekly Walkabout (part 2.)
Subject: RE: The Weekly Walkabout (part 2.)
I would find it interesting, by the way, to just discuss immigration in a general sense, and see what people think about it.

As things are now in the world, immigration already IS quite restricted. It's not easy in the least to get into most countries as a permanent immigrant. You have to satisfy numerous conditions.

One thing does make it easy, though. If you're rich enough, almost anyone will take you as an immigrant. ;-)

And that is unjust. But it's pragmatic, of course.

Now, here's the basic problem in the world: gross economic inequality. That is the engine that drives millions of people to seek to emigrate. Secondarily, many people wish to emigrate because their countries are dangerous, and their lives are insecure.

THAT is the essential problem.

A real solution to the world's dilemmas does not lie in tinkering with immigration laws, it lies in establishing peace in the international community, and achieving social and economic justice.

The USA today spends over half of the entire world's arms expenditures? To do what? To fight wars on the soil of unfortunate nations, that's what. The UK, Canada, France, Russia, and many other countries also are major participants in arms production and directly or indirectly contributing to maintaining a world at war.

That is the great issue of our time, not our troubles with immigration.

It is the moral bankruptcy of those WITH the most money and power which is destabilizing the whole world, because they are making no serious attempt to achieve either peace or economic and social justice in the world.

Now...if we had peace in the world, and if we had a reasonably good standard of living all over the world, then that in itself would solve the problem of immigration. People would not need to emigrate to secure a safe and prosperous existence, and most would be happy to remain on the land they were born on under that circumstance.

But no nation is seriously addressing that. And therein lies the hypocrisy of our times.