The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22197   Message #241442
Posted By: Barbara Shaw
12-Jun-00 - 10:35 AM
Thread Name: Bad Neighbors
Subject: RE: Bad Neighbors
Just dropped off this letter at the zoning commission office, and will send a copy to the "bad neighbor":

As requested, we are writing you a note to describe our solution to the potential zoning violation.

We have decided that it would be too costly to further modify our property to park our recreational vehicle according to the setback requirements, and so will pay to store it at a self-storage facility when not in use. It is truly unfortunate that we cannot park our own camper in our own yard, and must pay $50 per month to store it elsewhere, primarily because one neighbor was offended by the sight. My husband and I were very surprised to find that this was not just another vehicle that we could park in our own driveway.

One of the main reasons we traded in our trailer for a motorized RV was to eliminate the need to pay for storage. We took out a hedge, cut down a tree, turned over a huge area of sod, had stone delivered and spread the stone ourselves to make a new driveway, tucked beside our garage where it would fit neatly into the environment. One never knows what (if anything) goes through people's minds who feel that civilized life and property values are threatened by RV's!!

We were deeply saddened that someone we thought was a good neighbor for 15 years felt the need to complain about us to the zoning board, rather than speaking to us about her issues after seeing the RV.

Thanks for your considerate attention and sensitive comments.