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Thread #101088   Message #2415283
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
16-Aug-08 - 04:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
This just came across:

Could be a possibility....... Maybe that's why Denver, worried about demonstrators and riots, has erected chain link fences with barb wire inside a large warehouse as holding pens......

It Ain't Over 'Til the Fat Lady Sings and She Just Hired New Songwriters

August 11, 2008

The Washington and New York news phones lines were buzzing last night and again this morning. The news is considered so volatile two national news producers were telephoned after 11:30 last night for their input. The story? Hillary Clinton is removing her support (such as it was) from Barack Obama and plans for a knock-down floor fight for the nomination at the Democrat Convention in Denver.

The reason for this is simple, she thinks she can win the nomination, and only she can win the General, and so do many top old line Democrats.

Support for Obama from the Washington Democrat power elite has been all but absent in the last month. The Super Senators, Kennedy, Biden, Dodd, Schumer and others have not been making headlines for Obama. Terry McAuliffe has been all but silent, and "Screaming Dean"; who pressed his mute button? The two co chairs of the national "Our Great-Great-Great Grandfathers were oppressed… so give us money" crusade, Jackson and Sharpton must be on tour in Mongolia, because they haven't been making headlines for Obama here.

One overriding argument pervades all their thinking, Obama can't win the National, and Hillary can. The poll results after Obama's "We Is The World" tour have been a disaster. It provided a dip, rather than a bump for Barack! Pollsters expected him to be at least 12 to 14 points ahead now, and he is even at best. Obama always gets results about 4% less than he polls, so if the election were held today, it would be McCain in monstrous win.

The Obama decline is clearly indicated in one supposed battleground state, Florida. Obama was up until recently. Now Obama is now down 6 among all voters and one reliable unreleased poll has McCain up 8 among the likely voters. On top of it all, Obama is still sinking, and what possible new message to attract voters does he have? When he shouts "We Must Change", the crowd is thinking, "Oh, he's changing his position again."

I was with him in Lakeland last week (on assignment.) The small crowd was not pumped at all.

With that in mind, Hillary is warming up the crowds, and the hormones. She has had the Summer off. She is rested. There was plenty of time for charm lessons.

She can go to Denver not officially supporting, but certainly not discouraging, a floor vote movement. Her mantra? "Count Every Vote!"

The upstart's message would be very clear; "We Want Hillary For President, and She Wants It Too!"

Hillary would never attack Obama publicly, but loudly decry, "Those Republicans for Barack's disastrous slide in the polls."

Remember, she is only a few votes behind him in the Democrat delegate count, has never released her delegates, and the delegates, especially the Super delegates, can vote for whomever they wish. There is no legal mandate to support the candidate they promised to support back when they were elected in the primaries."

Who would support Hillary? The list is extensive.

First, old line Democrat Labor. They have votes, a "volunteering" machine and money . . . and are far from wild about Obama.

Secondly, the Gay vote. They rarely declare why they are for a candidate, but they have huge amounts of money, and are madly in love with Hillary (in more ways than one, perhaps?)

The Democrat political machine, all the way down to county level. They want coattails.

The Hispanic vote. Hispanics don't like Obama (or Blacks in general) very much. Hispanics love Hillary.

The Women. Down deep, the Rev. Wright may be acceptable to the far left wing of the Democrat party but he scares the hell out of middle of the road women. Democrats can expect the Republican 527s to pound that Rev. Wright Obama connection again and again in the General.

Hard core Feminists. Do we need an explanation here?

Finally, the Black vote! Of course there would be a revolt in the ranks . . . for about 10 days. But, then Jackson and Sharpton would explain that it was necessary because of the all the damage Republicans had done to Obama . . . and a Clinton Obama ticket is orgasmic for Democrats.

Why would Jackson and Sharpton be onboard? Because they have to be, and because they hate Obama. He didn't "pay his dues in blood in the streets of Selma." He didn't "March with Martin".

Worst of all for them, an Obama in the White House takes away all the "Poor Oppressed Black People Need Government Help… (and our help, personally) rap that has empowered Jackson and Sharpton for decades. Also, Obama is an ACORN man, not Rainbow/PUSH or National Action Network.

Obama would be told, "You cannot win. That's your fault. Take the VP slot and smile . . . and be President in eight years, or leave quietly now."

Bottom line, Hillary reassembles the entire classic Democrat Liberal coalitions Democrats need to win. High level Democrats are not dumb, at least not stupid, at least in the world of down and dirty electoral politics. They will do what they need to do to win.

In the end, the media would love the fight and the Obama supporters would hate it . . . for a few weeks, then fall in line behind Hillary. They are pragmatists, not racial ideologues. They would do anything to defeat McCain.

Will this happen? Time will tell. But, Hillary is certainly, and quietly, pushing it very hard.