The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113491   Message #2415601
Posted By: GUEST,Texas Guest
16-Aug-08 - 05:14 PM
Thread Name: RE: have the American audiences gone?
Subject: RE: RE: have the AMERICAN audiences gone?
Well, here we go again. Jack Hardly - I am one of those old
folkies who doesn't have the chops, but that doesn't matter - I am what I am and I do what I do. To folks who don't play an instrument I am a perceived as being great; to others who do play - they are bored to death with what I do.

We evidently travel in different circles. Most of the young folk I know who play music have absolutely no interest in folk music - period. They have no idea who Scruggs, White, Rice or Scaggs is and they don't care. They turn their collective ears off at the sound of Altan, Danu, the Clancy Brothers or Solas because it's "old," or it "ain't happening" or whatever. Music for most of them music is on one continuous time line and what is past is past and is "old hat," and what is "happening" is now with an eye to - what's new around the corner?

Sure, there are a lot of great young players out there, but there were a lot of great young players out there when I was a kid and there will be plenty great young players out there when my grandson is a young man - and they'll be playing the same notes as did Charlie Mingus, Chet Atkins, Issas Hayes, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan and you and me - and the same chords, too. Music is not played or learned on a straight time line, there are all different styles and they meld together at different times and lend themselves to "old" ways, "modern" ways and new ways yet to be played. Every time I do an Irish festival I come across "monster" young kids who play circles around me and yet come up to me after my shows with heart-felt compliments on what I do. I am excited about the young kids, but they are not the norm (in my opinion) and, they do not make up the audiences we are talking about here that are disappearing.

This really is a great thread because it can go in so many different directions and still be correct. Cheers.