The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22329   Message #241595
Posted By: catspaw49
12-Jun-00 - 04:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why are we all so different.........?
Subject: RE: BS: Why are we all so different.........?
Oddly (or not) enough Peter, you make the point quite well. The experiments include the fact that part of the 98 is that we will try to be the 2. Well that sounds weird, but I assure you that the very facts you mention are what a salesman (sorry, for the lack of PC)COUNTS ON as happening! Most closing techniques are based on the predictability of the desire to be different and unpredictable.

Ya' know, I'd love to spend a little face to face time with you Peter on this subject. Live examples of things are better than the written word in this case.....a little role play perhaps. Starting to write about this stuff has the feel of writing a book and we have plenty of authors around here already. My 2% is my pride in tripe and that I actually get a kick out of seeing the perverse in everything (go visit the "Experimental CD" thread) and enjoy wasting time writing things that only about 3 people will ever see. But then again, that's what we're all doing here in essence isn't it? Hmmmm....does that relate?
