The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113572 Message #2416277
Posted By: katlaughing
17-Aug-08 - 04:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!!
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!!
Well, I'll tell ya, lox...I slipped...that's right...I quit with my reformation and went back to Navel Gazing and whilst I was tied up like a pretzel trying to actually SEE my navel, it was like I was hit with a bolt of lightening, or enlightenment...yeah! For real, I *saw* Susan, but I couldn't understand a word except "Si,Si" and "Adios!" It was her, for sure and some tall good-looking woman with flashing eyes,castanets on her fingers and a mantilla...I always wanted those when I was a kid and danced for my parents. BUt, I digress...never did see my navel, but boy! Did I tune in or what!? Halfway across the nation and I could see Susan wasn't there, if ya get my drift...she was South of the Border and it wasn't Mexico! She was laughing and dancing, and carrying on! Made me think maybe I need to find me a Brazilian woman, too!