The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113581   Message #2416382
Posted By: Dave Schipper
17-Aug-08 - 07:27 PM
Thread Name: Updated Flowers of the Forest (Dave Schipper)
Subject: Updated Flowers of the Forest
Well I pulled out an old Joe Hickerson vinyl this week and had my 50 year old brain waves instantly rewired into an ancient melody. I thought... I'm armed with recording devices why don't I try to cover this great song. Wow... the line are so obscure to today; you have to explain everything. So here's my Dylanesque rewrite for 2008.

Today we pray for Flowers of the Forest

I heard them laughing, at the sun's setting
Young girls giggling before the dawn of day.
Now they are sobbing on green grass a growing
The flowers of the forest are laying to rest.

Once they had futures, and love a waiting.
Fathers and Mothers, a life to enjoy.
Then came the call, a service to them all.
A noble cause written, they stood tall and proud.

I heard them laughing, at the sun's setting
Young girls giggling before the dawn of day.
Now they are sobbing on green grass a growing
The flowers of the forest are laying to rest.

Midnight songs a playing, shots and beer flowing
Smiles all a plenty, til the night is done.
Xcept for the lady, the moon cold and lonely
Thoughts of her flower, are growing inside.

I heard them laughing, at the sun's setting
Young girls giggling before the dawn of day.
Now they are sobbing on green grass a growing
The flowers of the forest are laying to rest.

Justice for the lowly, help for the helpless.
Brothers and sisters, a hand to them all.
Now there is silence, though debate rages loudly
These flowers of the forest, a victim to the gall.

I heard them laughing, at the sun's setting
Young girls giggling before the dawn of day.
Now they are sobbing on green grass a growing
The flowers of the forest are laying to rest.

A traditional song rephrased and rethought for today by Dave Schipper ©2008 Rose Riversongs

I love MudCat for reference, but I don't saunter my way back much. If you want to reach me, I'm always over at