The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113572   Message #2416473
Posted By: Riginslinger
17-Aug-08 - 09:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!!
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!!
"We agree aain, Rig. Are you sure you haven't caught some kind of damn liberal virus or somp'n?"

                   I'm liberal on a whole lot of things, Amos. I agree completely with Leon Trotsky on religion. I think America's future lies in pouring a whole lot more resources into public education, and I think we ought to be paying a much more attention to the environment.

                   Some of the problem lies, in my opinion, in the fact that we only have two major parties. So you can agree with one or the other on one thing, and disagree on another. For some of the most important issues, many of us think both parties are wrong, and there's simply no place to go with that.