The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113572   Message #2416570
Posted By: JohnInKansas
18-Aug-08 - 02:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!!
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!!
Are we quite sure that she didn't run down to Aussieland to straighten out this mayor:

Mayor seeks 'ugly duckling' women

While she wouldn't qualify as an "invitee," and the mayor's assertion of "five men to every woman" would be no attraction, the uproar quite obviously needs an organizer to beat the cr*p out of the mayor.

She might also have seen the need to explain to those complaining that their "attitude" may be why there are five men for every woman. (?)

Haven't we known her to be a leader of causes?
