The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113572 Message #2417125
Posted By: katlaughing
18-Aug-08 - 03:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!!
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!!
Tch! And a fine belly button it 'tis, I'll have you know! T'anks for the defence, Megandarlin'!
So, Portagee, smortagee...whaddaIknow? It all sounds like Greek to me! All I know is what Susan told *sent* me...tuning up just now to see if I can get anymore...
ah, the beach at Antigua was stupendous, but a bit wet. The whole island has now been organised and is Ready for Freddy, or whatever other named storm may come, thanks to Susan and her Brazilian! Next stop Copacabana!