The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113491   Message #2417710
Posted By: Jayto
19-Aug-08 - 10:13 AM
Thread Name: RE: have the American audiences gone?
Subject: RE: RE: have the AMERICAN audiences gone?
I agree 100% Ron. I have found some great music on this page. I am listening to one of the members right now and I am loving it. Check out Ron Bankley on myspace OMG he is awsome. This is why I said this site is such a needed thing. Connecting with musicians,writers,singers, and music lovers in general about something we all love. I felt isolated years ago when it came to folk music. All my friends played heavy metal and top 40 country and I loved playing folk. I was laughed at alot back the by other musicians for being different. I remember hearing it plain as day "You play that Hee Haw shit." was a favorite saying back then. I just kept trucking and then eventually all of them were trying to figure out what and how I was playing what I was doing. I don't get that anymore from musicians. It does not have to do completely with my ability on my instrument. There is an interest that was not there before among younger crowds. I love being able to jump on here and talk to others around the world about a style of music I love. I think that sites like these and the people I have met and talked to on here are going to help push folk more into the forefront of the music scene. Everybody gets hung up thinking about the big names that has brought the music to the masses. I think the coolest ones in folk are the ones that influenced someone to get into the style. Folk music has been carried on by the unknown artists passed on to uknown artists and eventually one of them will be known. Top 40 music would not be passed on in this fashion. That is the magic of folk. I know I am not getting my point across like I want to right now but it is the unknown and underdogs that are going to keep Folk evolving and alive. So everyone needs to give themselves some credit. We are continuing the scene right now. We are working to keep the music alive and going right this second. Without even realizing it we are taking the next steps to preserving an art form we all love.