The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113614   Message #2418120
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
19-Aug-08 - 06:49 PM
Thread Name: Song Chall: 'ugly duckling' women wanted
Subject: RE: Song Chall: 'ugly duckling' women wanted
Ugley is just up the road from us a few miles. There are always jokes about the Ugley Women gettig together with the men of Nasty, whcih is a few miles further off.

I can't see there was anything too offensive about what that Aussie mayor said there - All he seesm to have said is that, since there were such a lot of extra (and probably not oparticulary good-looking) men in the town, it was likely that there wasn't be as much prejudice against ordinary looking women as there might be in some places.