The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113229   Message #2418123
Posted By: JohnInKansas
19-Aug-08 - 06:55 PM
Thread Name: WVA 2008 - Winfield Festival
Subject: RE: WVA 2008 - Winfield Festival
leenia -

Glenn's a big boy, and he's got the number to call if he wants to. He's almost as old as I am and maybe at least half as cute. He may be even better than me at the sweet talkin' - but I don't know if he intends to ask to be excused from the jury.

One thing in favor of him not having quite the usual difficulty, if he wants to try to opt out, is that he's apparently in a "standby pool." If he doesn't try to make arrangements to be excused, he has to call in, sometimes several days in a row, to see if they've used up the primary pool and then has a day to make arrangements to go in if his pool ( I think there may be more than one of "standbys") is needed.

Since he doesn't actually wait in line for the festival - just dumps his trailer and goes home until the fest actually starts - he has a couple of weeks to argue with them and could still make it to the festival when he needs to be there unless he's assigned to a jury that starts trial soon and runs more than a few days.

If he gets his trailer in line on 21 August, he doesn't need to be back there until 06 Sept to get his official "lineup position," and then has to be there 11 Sept to get his camping spot in the Landrush. Then the actual festival starts 17 Sept and runs through the weekend.
