The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12681   Message #241817
Posted By: Wavestar
12-Jun-00 - 11:44 PM
Thread Name: 'Musical' Novels
Subject: RE: 'Musical' Novels
I think it's so marvelous that every single book I thought of to mention when I read the first posting on this thread had already been mentioned by the time I got to the bottom, and now I have lots more lovely recommendations to read!

I was going to mention Charles de Lint (who may be getting darker, but at least he's got good causes he fights for), Orson Scott Card's Songmaster, R.A. McAvoy, who also wrote the Damiano series, about a young musician who is taught by an angel, and even Anne McCaffery's Dragonsinger series... which actually, I find to be her least irritatingly formula and sweet books. The Crystal Line books, and the Ship Who books were good for the first couple. I don't remember the author either, but Midnight Hour Encores I remember from when I was in elementary school... I do recommend it. I've thought of others, but they've slipped from my mind as I ponder what I read... perhaps I'll think of them again later.

I'm delighted to hear that Emma Bull has written a book... I'm a great fan of the Flash Girls, which I'd like to hope that many of you are familiar with... If you aren't, you should be!

A wonderful thread, thanks.
