The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2418392
Posted By: GUEST,Sawzaw
20-Aug-08 - 02:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Dissecting Maureen Dowd's Obama hit piece

by Eric Boehlert Media Matters

As a campaigner, Sen. Barack Obama is angry and overwhelmed.

That was the unflattering takeaway from Maureen Dowd's catty column (subscription required) last week about the Illinois senator's foray onto the presidential campaign trail, as Dowd traipsed out to the heartland to watch the Democratic sensation up close. But as is her custom, Dowd fixated on personality and stagecraft, not substance, as the poison-penned, Wednesday/Saturday columnist for The New York Times painted a relentlessly unflattering portrait of the senator.

In the eyes of Dowd, Obama was out of his element on the national stage: "testy," "irritated," and "conflicted." .................