The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113491   Message #2419690
Posted By: Don Firth
21-Aug-08 - 04:18 PM
Thread Name: RE: have the American audiences gone?
Subject: RE: RE: have the AMERICAN audiences gone?
Good points, John.

One of the things I was skimming around in my above post was that the Big Kids do a lot of on-going promotion as a matter of course. A few weeks before a new opera is mounted, Speight Jenkins, General Director of Seattle Opera, is on KING-FM for a half-hour several evenings a week talking about the opera, outlining the story, and playing recorded excerpts. Gerard Schwarz, conductor of the Seattle Symphony, has his own program on KING (weekly, I think), playing works recorded by the Seattle Symphony.

I'm not familiar with KEXP, but KBCS often has interviews with musicians and singers who have performances coming up in the area. And it might be worth approaching KUOW, particularly Dave Beck, about a guest shot talking about one or more concert series'.

If one could work a deal with one of these stations (like the opera and the symphony has with KING-FM) for a guest shot or an interview about up-coming concerts as a regular thing, at least people will know about it. Part of the problem may be in promoting events only within "established folky" circles (if I may use such terms).

Don Firth