The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9665   Message #2419839
Posted By: Jim Dixon
21-Aug-08 - 08:34 PM
Thread Name: food songs
Subject: Lyr Add: TASTES LIKE CHICKEN (Austin Lounge Lizard
Transcribed from an archived radio program (and then I found it here). To hear it, click here and then advance to 00:24:43.

Hank Card/Conrad Deisler/Gail Fisher/Eamon McLoughlin/Kristen Nelson Card/Tom Pittman/Boo Resnick

I have traveled round the world from Fiji to Nairobi,
Sampled the exotic fare from Chihuahua to the Gobi.
From Land's End to Helsinki and all points in between,
I've been fed the finest Finnish food and British haute cuisine

From the malts of Montezuma to the s'mores of Tripoli,
From the mints of Machu Picchu to the doughnuts of the deep Dead Sea.
Let me set you straight, my friends: it always seemed to be,
Mammals, fish, and reptiles all taste the same to me.

Chipped beef on toast, have a friend for pot roast,
Tender little piggy toes with a bit of Bordeaux,
French-fried mince pies right between the fish eyes,
Half-baked pound cake, Shake 'n Bake, and rattlesnake,

Slop, glop, (taste like chicken)
Gruel, drool, (taste like chicken)
Spumoni, baloney, (taste like chicken)
Taste like chicken to me.

Quattro formaggi in an ancient Tuscan palace,
Mystery meats impaled on sticks at the State Fair in Dallas,
Leaning towers of pizza and spaghetti bolognaise.
How I love thee, pu pu platter! Let me count the ways.

I've scouted out the finest kraut in Baraboo, Wisconsin.
I've filled a dish with gefilte fish with a Jew named Ole Yohnson,
The joys of vegan nut loaf with a side of lychee ramen.
From French nouveau to lutefisk, they all have this in common:

Alligator, Darth Vader skewered on a light saber
Burger topped with special sauce, a bit o' car exhaust
Hot corn, cold corn, bring along a demijohn,
Kumquats, Tater Tots, Devon cream with lots o' clots,

Stones, bones, (taste like chicken)
Slush, mush, (taste like chicken)
Hummus, pumice, (taste like chicken)
Taste like chicken to me.

Fillet of bunny when it's sunny is lip-smackin' good.
Monkey brains when it rains is my favorite food. [Pronounced to rhyme with "good"]
Artichoke is okey-doke with a slice of tongue.
Manatee's a dream to me, especially when it's young.

Catguts, rat butts, any-way-you-can nuts,
Groundhog, boiled dog, love a little legless frog,
Orange pop, gumdrops, Shari Lewis lamb chops,
Collard greens from New Orleans, Chianti and fava beans,

Blubber, flubber, (taste like chicken)
Masa, kielbasa, (taste like chicken)
Lizards, gizzards, (taste like chicken)
Taste like chicken to me.

Chalupas, pupas, (taste like chicken)
Cookies, Wookiees, (taste like chicken)
Soda, Yoda, (taste like chicken)
Order, chaos, (taste like chicken)
Dopey, Grumpy, (taste like chicken)
Donner and Blitzen, (taste like chicken)
Democrats, Republicans, (taste like chicken)
Betty, Veronica, (taste like chicken)
Taste like chicken to me.

[From the Austin Lounge Lizards' album "Strange Noises in the Dark," Blue Corn Music CD 303, 2003.]