The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113491   Message #2419887
Posted By: Phil Cooper
21-Aug-08 - 11:39 PM
Thread Name: RE: have the American audiences gone?
Subject: RE: RE: have the AMERICAN audiences gone?
In Chicago, papers say they won't really cover folk. They say they don't have writers who know about it (not true a even a year or two back). They still sometimes list folk concerts, but won't do an in depth article. We done radio interviews, though sometimes that only brings in one or two extra bodies. (If you are interviewed the day of a show, even if people hear it that might want to come, there's a good chance they already have plans). It's hard to say what gets a buzz going about one act and not another. I was glad to see jayto's links to some younger bands, there's hope for the music still.

I know in Chicago in the 80's-'90's a couple of the club owners missed the boat when they didn't realize their old clientel were not going to come out on a week night for a 9:30 show anymore: job and family responsiblities. Having earlier shows would have helped. Audience demogrpahics change. Boy, Ron, this is a good thread.