The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113186   Message #2419918
Posted By: KT
22-Aug-08 - 03:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
Hi all.
So, I've been cheering you all on from afar...(outside the thread that is) with enthisiasm and admiration! I've not opened any of these threads 'til this one, tonight, but have thought , "good on you!" every time I see another month come up.

Now one might think from my lack of participation, that my house is the picture of order... NOT so! I've got plenty to sort and clear out, but also among those who give 100 % at the day job and find there's not a whole lot left at the end of the day to tackle that project. SO my purposes for posting now are two - to say to you "Way to go! Keep it up! You're on your way!"      AND -

If you had 10 "rules"   ie., words of wisdom on decluttering that you would pass on, what would they be?

Yours for lightening the load -