The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82028   Message #2420256
Posted By: GUEST,beardedbruce
22-Aug-08 - 03:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
"He could not have accomplished what he has without considerable intelligence."


Since you have denied Bush any intelligence for so long that YOU would have problems denying it, all this statement shows is that you really don't even believe what you yourself have been saying for years.

You may choose to agree or disagree with what Bush has done- but you have consistantly tried to both attribute evil intent ( with no evidence) and blame it on ignorance. Your constant attacks on the persons that bring up anything NOT in support of your viewpoint are certainly the indication that you have no reason save bias agaisnst Bush to base your own opinions on.